Okay, so unless you're like me and are über obsessed with chic-ifying your existing furniture using some paint and new hardware, you probably wouldn't use the word "sexy" to describe your newly painted dresser, nightstand or dining room table. But, in my case, sexy is exactly the word that comes to mind when I think of my newly made-over end table. It went from drab to fab in less than a week (I had to squeeze in sanding, priming and three coats of paint between final exams and homework, otherwise it would have just been a few days). Having gone from a sad, washed out shade of walnut brown to a modern, sophisticated and lively shade of chartreuse, the table is now ready for its big reveal.
Feast your eyes on the transformation:

Isn't she a beaut? She makes my heart go pitter-patter every time I look at her. I don't know why I'm referring to the table as "she", but that's irrelevant. See what a little elbow grease and some paint can do for your dated furniture? Who says you can't be thrifty and stylish at the same time? Seriously, who says? I'll track 'em down and whip out these before- and- after shots of my cheap DIY makeover. How cheap? I'm so glad you asked! Here's a little budget breakdown (all items, sans table, were purchased at Lowe's unless otherwise specified):
The real icing on the proverbial cake is that these purchased items can be used for many other DIY projects (except paint brushes- when using oil-based primer, you'll want to stock up on those babies if you plan on doing any of your own DIY projects). That means two things: 1) more moolah in the bank (Cha-ching!), and 2) the overall cost actually breaks down to a lot less for this one project, since materials can be used for other DIY stuff! In fact, I've already begun Project Numero Dos! Stay tuned for that makeover!
lotsa love,
- 100 grit sandpaper - $3.97
- Valspar Ultra-Premium interior latex paint, semi-gloss (1 qt.)- $13.00
- Bulk pack of paint brushes- $4.00
- Kilz interior oil-based primer (1 qt.), white pigmented- $7.98
- Table-FREE (already owned)
The real icing on the proverbial cake is that these purchased items can be used for many other DIY projects (except paint brushes- when using oil-based primer, you'll want to stock up on those babies if you plan on doing any of your own DIY projects). That means two things: 1) more moolah in the bank (Cha-ching!), and 2) the overall cost actually breaks down to a lot less for this one project, since materials can be used for other DIY stuff! In fact, I've already begun Project Numero Dos! Stay tuned for that makeover!
lotsa love,